The Bank Robber Chest Rig is a low-profile minimalist chest worn load carriage system.
It is designed to work with either Spiritus’s Skinny Straps or Fat Straps setups. It also requires a Back Strap to work properly. Shoulder and back straps are NOT included and must be purchased separately.
The Chest Rig is constructed entirely out of elastic material. This enables it to conform and retain oddly shaped items such as smoke grenades, flashbangs, magazines, and tourniquets.
The Bank Robber comes standard with 4 Elastic cells and two retention bungees designed to hold tourniquets or other like items.
Due to the minimalist nature of the Bank Robber, it does not come with hook & loop to mount sub loads or attach it to a plate carrier.
Notes from manufacturer:
- Cord-locks for this product may arrive “unset.” If your slide-lock seems to be broken/has no spring action, it likely just needs to be set. Squeezing the lock firmly between your thumb and index finger should apply enough pressure to the top of the lock to “pop” it, activating the spring mechanism.
- Shown with optional items, not included.